Remember Crystal? Like, that little project of ours that's completely misrepresented in our own website?

Well, fortunately, it seems we're the only ones doing that - the language just got featured on The Changelog.
Episode #192 – @CrystalLanguage with Ary Borenszweig (@asterite) and Juan Wajnerman (@waj)
— The Changelog (@changelog) January 29, 2016
Our own Ary and Waj - Crystal parents - were interviewed for the podcast's issue #192. They've spent roughly an hour talking with presenters Adam Stacoviak & Jerod Santo about how the language was born, what its current state is, and what to expect from it in the near future.
If you reached up to this point of the blogpost without hearing the podcast, I must insist: go hear it. You won't regret, I promise.
If you've just met us because of the podcast, feel free to take a look at who we are, what we do and how we do it. Or maybe you just want to check out Crystal's repo.
We thank The Changelog folks for their time - it was a great talk!