Nuntium is an open-source development created for InSTEDD, which emerged as a common factor from multiple applications which needed to exchange text messages, mails, tweets or any other kind of messages.
Nuntium takes care of delivering and dispatching messages in scenarios common to humanitarian work, and has a simple API that can be used across multiple languages and platforms. InSTEDD’s technologies, such as GeoChat, Riff, Pollit and Remindem , exchange thousands of messages for mission-critical applications using Nuntium, and it is also integrated with OpenMRS and other humanitarian applications.
Nuntium dispatches messages reliably to and from different sources: from SMS aggregators such as Clickatell, direct connections with wireless operators, to GSM modems and Skype via a downloadable local gateway program that runs on any computer. This allows the developer to start small and grow the scale of your application without changing its core code. It also integrates email and twitter, and takes care of reliable queuing, security, retries, and throttling.
See how Nuntium helps developers build better messaging applications 5:16
Account overview
Current state overview, including AO/AT message statistics, channels, apps and routing rules.

AO messages
Listing for AO messages.

AO message
Detail of the logs registered for message followup.

Open source
This project is Open Source, we invite you to collaborate and join us in the development of a better world through the use of technology.