- May 13 2008
Debugging a deployed GWT application from Eclipse
2 min
I know I promised a mini DEVS model for this post. But I bumped into this interesting thing and I wanted to share it. We are currently working on a JSF web application which has a GWT component in it. To debug the app, we have to compile the GWT component...
- May 5 2008
Generating 3D trees
8 min
The goal is to generate 3D trees programatically rather than using a design tool. A tree is a complex model, containing thousand of vertices, which are both hard to create and inneficient to store. By saving just the information necessary to generate...
- May 2 2008
Arithmetic with Lambda Calculus
6 min
One simple way to make arithmetic expressions in lambda calculus, is just to extend the calculus with the arithmetic rules: (λx.(λy. x+y)) 2 3 → (λy. 2+y) 3 → 2+3 = 5 But that's pretty easy for us, and (as you problably have already noticed) we like...
- Apr 14 2008
Improved argument matchers in Moq
4 min
The new feature encapsulated by MatcherAttibute in Moq allows developers to create quite easy argument matchers. In a scenario with a Customer class and a IFooService: public class Customer { public string Name { get; set; } public int
- Apr 1 2008
Discrete Event Simulation and the DEVS formalism
4 min
Just to gather new tools to help me in my M. Sc. thesis, I'm taking a course on Discrete Event Simulation. This course in fact is not as general as its name may suggest. It focuses mainly on modelling with a formalism called DEVS (which stands for...
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