This week Star Tides, in partnership with the Naval Postgraduate School, will be organizing a Concept-based Experimentation (CBE) in Camp Roberts (CA). The objective is to to analyze the state of the art of current social and information related applications in the context of humanitarian emergency scenarios. Invited to the event are Development Seed, Sahana, Google and InSTEDD, among others.

As we at Manas have been working side by side with InSTEDD on the development of GeoChat and Riff, I got the chance to participate on this experiment toghether with Luke Beckman, InSTEDD's National Response Liaison.

The agenda includes setting up servers of everything we may use for handling communications, information and imagery, simulating an emergency scenario in Camp Roberts. The most interesting part is what follows: integrating as many tools as possible, developing mashups on the fly to maximize the synergy of all applications.

The final goal is to be able to identify precisely where we all are, and what we should be working on during the next months to be prepared for rapid emergency response.

I have to thank Manas and InSTEDD for the opportunity to parcitipate on this event, and I will try to keep the blog as updated as possible with the news of the event.