Shiva is a set of research tools and measurement techniques to analyze the Internet. It can recognize message trends and patterns related to our client’s issues and particular needs.
Requirements & Context
Shiva was born as a tool to help our clients understand their online environment, and it took the form of a full scale Internet Map.
We began by mapping online behavior patterns, identifying tastes, preferences and expectations of the audience profiles involved. The mapping research framework we used can be adapted to any client’s needs, and ranges from characterizing the audience’s perception about a client’s products, brands or public figures, all the way to reports on top stakeholders from industries, governments, academic sources and nonprofit (advocacy) sectors with positions that relate to the client. This also includes a careful analysis of favorability, online tactics and resources.
Shiva is able to identify stakeholders, key spokespersons and what they were saying, through surveys that effectively covered stakeholder universes of over 500,000 portals, websites, forums, discussion lists, weblogs, RSS feeds and IRC chat channels. These results were complemented by a qualitative insight on how these stakeholders linked to each other and how they influenced the public opinion.
iMap viewer
Each bubble is color coded for positive, neutral or negative comments. The inner ring indicates the content is within the site, and the outer ring indicates it comes from a forum. Each line that goes from one bubble to another represent links between sites. Finally, bubble size represents traffic volume.

Visualization of online penetration
The colored icons represent stakeholder’s predominant message slant; their size relates to their online penetration and visibility. Hyperlinks determine their position in the map. The iMap Viewer provides a detailed focus and the capability to capture information of each stakeholder of the universe.