- Feb 29 2008
Upgraded jQuery Tag Suggestions
1 min
Yesterday remy sharp update jQuert Tag Suggestions plugin a list of fixes can be found here. The new features are really good: Be able to use multi words tags by specifying the separator. (my contribution) Added filtering to prevent already selected...
- Dec 29 2007
GuardQ: Guard class meets Linq
3 min
Update: The code has moved to NetFx project at http://code.google.com/p/netfx/source/browse/trunk/Source/Guard.cs . In the task of validating function arguments, usually a sealed class Guard is created. For example, if we want to validate for null...
- Dec 19 2007
Mocking with LINQ: Moq is here!
3 min
In these days of agile and TDD, most probably you had to deal with mocks. In such case, you have two options: create hundreds of mock classes by hand, one for each expected behavior for every unit test, or use a mock framework. There are many mock...
- Dec 1 2007
Automatic 'Organize Usings' when saving files on VS2008
1 min
I really love this new feature of VS2008 that allows you to cleanup the 'usings' section of C# files (and I've been always missing this from Eclipse) but I was a bit disappointed when I found there is no choice to execute automatically before every...
- Dec 1 2007
REST/POX client with WCF 3.5
3 min
Some time ago I wrote a post about how to create REST clients using WCF and taking advantage of its extensibility to obtain a type safe endpoint. My approach implied create a bunch of WCF behaviors and other extensions that intercepts the messages...
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