- Jun 19 2008
Silverlight 2 Beta 2 Breaking Changes
12 min
Silverlight 2 Beta 2 has introduced a number of fixes, additions and changes to the previous Beta 1 version. As I said in a previous post, I believe the improved error handling and detailed exceptions are among the best improvements, and also the less...
- Jun 17 2008
Beta-Lighting the web
5 min
One of the current most interesting technologies around is Microsoft Silverlight, whose intention is to provide a programmer and designer friendly way to develop web UIs. It is basically a subset of Windows Presentation Foundation, although it has...
- Jun 13 2008
How to create "recursive" functions in λ-calculus
7 min
As you probably already now, recursive function are those that call them self. For instance, you can define the factorial function as: fact(0) = 1 fact(n) = n*fact(n-1) This doesn't look like something you can say with the small syntaxis of the λ-calculus...
- May 27 2008
Instedd Internships
1 min
Today we had the orientation presentation for an Internship that two students from Trinity College will be doing around Riff/RNA. They will be helping us build some classification tools involving machine learning with SVM's and Bayesian classifiers...
- May 23 2008
My first conference at microsoft argentina
2 min
You can register for the event here. Thanks Miguel for this opportunity. Event details (spanish): Towebs & MSDN lo invitan a conocer las herramientas más innovadoras para el desarrollo web en plataforma Windows. Las charlas...

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