- Nov 13 2009
The long and winding road... to a master thesis
7 min
From the very start of my thesis, the key idea was to find a lambda calculus with explicit substitutions, indexes, and all the good properties (I refer the reader to all previous posts). In particular, having in mind a recent work from Delia Kesner
- Oct 7 2009
Gettext i18n strings in ASP.NET controls
4 min
In the last post I blogged about using gettext to internationalize strings in C#. However, using the Messages.T("Hello world") syntax in ASP.NET can be a little cumbersome. Luckily, ASP.NET controls can work as a solution for this issue. Adding a...
- Oct 1 2009
Using GNU Gettext for i18n in C# and ASP.NET
10 min
We are in the process of dealing with the internationalization and localization of one of our open source web applications, which is fully developed using C# and ASP.NET MVC. Although ASP.NET already provides easy support for i18n via the usage of...
- Sep 26 2009
Microsoft Codecamp Buenos Aires 2009 Source Code and Presentation
1 min
For those of you who attended to the talk (thanks a lot for attending, by the way), you may find in Codeplex project DynamicDeepZoom all the source code we used for the example we presented, as well as the presentation (in Spanish). And for those of...
- Sep 16 2009
Microsoft Codecamp Buenos Aires 2009
2 min
On September 26th, Martin Verzilli and I will be making a presentation at Microsoft CodeCamp event on Silverlight DeepZoom technology. The presentation will focus on exploiting a much underused feature of the deep zoom control, which is the ability...
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