- Jun 25 2008
Refactoring to WebClient
5 min
Since Silverlight 2 Beta 2 introduced the WebClient class, I decided to refactor an application we had by replacing all references to HttpWebRequest with the new client. Its methods seemed much more simple and clear, and I didn't even need to write...
- Jun 22 2008
Binding Lights
7 min
For almost any developer who has worked in GUIs the concept of data binding should be at least familiar. If you have an Article and want to show its code and price, you just place two textboxes bound to those properties and place some invisible magical...
- Jun 19 2008
Silverlight 2 Beta 2 Breaking Changes
12 min
Silverlight 2 Beta 2 has introduced a number of fixes, additions and changes to the previous Beta 1 version. As I said in a previous post, I believe the improved error handling and detailed exceptions are among the best improvements, and also the less...
- Jun 17 2008
Beta-Lighting the web
5 min
One of the current most interesting technologies around is Microsoft Silverlight, whose intention is to provide a programmer and designer friendly way to develop web UIs. It is basically a subset of Windows Presentation Foundation, although it has...
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