- Jun 2 2017
What I learned organizing the Crystal CodeCamp
11 min
Lessons learned and highlights from the first Crystal Language CodeCamp
- Dec 27 2016
End of 2016
3 min
Here are some of the top moments and achievements that made 2016 a year to remember.
- Sep 14 2016
A website 13 years in the making
11 min
Since we started building our new site I’ve learned a lot, the easy and the hard way. Here’s some of it.
- May 9 2016
How we hire at Manas
11 min
How does a company tell whether a candidate is the perfect fit for the job, and for the team? At Manas we like doing things our own way, even if it goes against the industry norm. We never rush our hiring process: nothing's more important than making sure every new member of the team is the right fit for us (and that we are the right fit for them!).
- Apr 1 2016
The story behind #CrystalLang
6 min
Crystal was born in June 2011 when Ary took the challenge to prove if it was possible to have a compiled Ruby-like language. The name back then was “Joy”, though three days later it was changed to Crystal. At first Crystal was just the result of the experiment.
Nicolás di Tada Founder
Matías García Isaía Full-stack Engineer & Site Reliability Engineer
Martin Pettinati Marketing & Communications Lead
Beta Ziliani Team Lead & Product Manager
Leandro Radusky Bioinformatics Lead
Martín Verzilli Chief Technology Officer
Sergio Medina Alumni
Pablo Brusco Alumni
María Inti David Alumni
Ary Borenszweig Alumni
Santiago Palladino Alumni
Valeria Tiffenberg Alumni
Paula Mallol Alumni
Juan Wajnerman Alumni
Brian J. Cardiff Alumni
Leandro Matayoshi Alumni