- Sep 29 2008
Haskell Monads on the web
5 min
Yesterday I spent some time reading about Haskell implementations of Monads because I want to prepare some exercise. I share some links and snippets. http://www.haskell.org/tutorial/monads.html http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Monad Laws & syntax
- May 23 2008
My first conference at microsoft argentina
2 min
You can register for the event here. Thanks Miguel for this opportunity. Event details (spanish): Towebs & MSDN lo invitan a conocer las herramientas más innovadoras para el desarrollo web en plataforma Windows. Las charlas...
- Apr 14 2008
Improved argument matchers in Moq
4 min
The new feature encapsulated by MatcherAttibute in Moq allows developers to create quite easy argument matchers. In a scenario with a Customer class and a IFooService: public class Customer { public string Name { get; set; } public int
- Feb 29 2008
Upgraded jQuery Tag Suggestions
1 min
Yesterday remy sharp update jQuert Tag Suggestions plugin a list of fixes can be found here. The new features are really good: Be able to use multi words tags by specifying the separator. (my contribution) Added filtering to prevent already selected...
- Dec 29 2007
GuardQ: Guard class meets Linq
3 min
Update: The code has moved to NetFx project at http://code.google.com/p/netfx/source/browse/trunk/Source/Guard.cs . In the task of validating function arguments, usually a sealed class Guard is created. For example, if we want to validate for null...
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